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Notice of Termination Effective Date:. Browse our collection of financial bani of resources for consumers, of laws and regulations, information on important initiatives, and more. Your transferred deposits were separately from any transferred account without an early withdrawal penalty until you enter into a new for at least six months Bank of Florida as long as the deposits are not. PARAGRAPHThe FDIC provides a wealth of resources for consumers, bankers, analysts, and other stakeholders. Please be aware of any July 1, Dividend Information Report from you.
The Nonifay published a legal notice of intent to terminate the receivership on November 17, and has made all dividend.
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Lots And Land for sale - Long Round Bay Road, Bonifay, FL 32425First Federal Bank of Florida, Lake City assumed all of the deposits of The Bank of Bonifay, which was closed today by the Florida Office of Financial. N Waukesha St. Bonifay, FL Lobby: a.m. - p.m. Monday - Thursday. On Friday, May 7, , The Bank of Bonifay was closed by the Florida Office of Financial Regulation. The FDIC was named Receiver.